...since I have posted! And so many things have happened, which is undoubtedly why I have left it so long.
First, Carter caught Shigellosis. This is VERY unpleasant, and VERY easily passed from person to person. Check it out online, and then wash your hands. Friends, WASH YOUR HANDS!!! I cannot stress it enough. Even if you are a diligent hand washer, other people are not. If someone hands you a piece of paper (who has not washed their hands) and then you unwrap a piece of gum and put it in your mouth, you just put their germs in your mouth. And if they have shigella or are a carrier, you just caught it. And 3 days of diarrhea every 30 minutes can be wearing on you.
And that is all I have to say about that!
Then, Eric had Hernia surgery.
The same weekend as Dance Recital.
Need I go on?
Then we had Tour with the Dance Company.
Then I directed a music camp at my Mom's church in Kerrville.
You can imagine all the drama, tears, etc that we have been through the last month or so!
Oh yes, and this week is VBS at my church!
Vacation next week....