Monday, March 24, 2008

One More Day...

Well, Alex was back to school this morning, but I get one more day with Carter since Abilene is out today. WHY can't the local school districts get on the same schedule?!?!? Alex is off Friday, but not Carter...

Okay, I had a pretty good day yesterday...once I FINALLY made it home! Why is it that one or two people's thoughtlesness can ruin an entire morning that otherwise would have been great? Why do people not consider how their actions affect others?

On a happier note, we had a great dinner yesterday with Eric's and Dwight's families! And, the kids, Eric and I had a relaxing evening at home alone with no commitments, dinosaurs on TV and our own little Allosaurs and Diplodocuses sneaking around and attacking! I wish every evening was like that!

Overall, a great day and a Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Missin' Those Babies...

Well, the kids are in Kerrville for Spring Break with my Mom. I couldn't wait for a little vacation, but now I am just missing them! I am a little down, too, today. No special reason, just a case of the blahs, I think. Of course, I didn't get nearly enough done during the break, and I am just dreading Monday...

Monday, March 17, 2008


Passing Orange Belt Test
Painting the the nauseating yellow and brown gingham dining room wallpaper

Happy Mommy

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cowboys and Ninjas

Last night Alex went to spend the night with my sister, Jennie, so Carter, Eric and I had some time alone. Carter decided to take his 'Spend' money and buy a new toy gun. He ended up with a cap rifle, a pistol and a cowboy hat. I forgot how good those caps smell when you shoot them...

Needless to say, a good time was had by Eric and Carter as they played sherriff and bad guy...I wish I had a picture of Eric being the bad guy, wearing Carter's too-small cowboy hat! It was hilarious! Of course, Eric accidently set one of his rolls of caps on fire....

So, this morning is the big day for Carter - Orange Belt Test Day! I think he is ready, so we will see how it goes. He is certainly excited! He woke up before Eric and I did and got himself dressed in his Camo shorts and his Martial Arts Studio shirt! (That NEVER happens around here!)

A gun-totin' ninja....hhhhhmmmmm

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Knew I Would Get a Taste of My Own Medicine!

Fearing my daughter's adolescent years and hormones, I haven't pondered the depths of emotion that can apparently be reached by a six-year old. Yesterday, Alex cried HYSTERICALLY all the way to school, from the car and to her classroom. Why? I told her to wear her coat. (It was only 48 degrees. Is this an unreasonable request?)

This morning, the histrionics began again when:

- she had to get up and get out of bed

- the outfit she wanted to wear was not clean

- she had to brush her teeth

- she had to put her homework folder in her backpack

My question is this:

If these roller-coaster emotions are surfacing now, will she skip all that when she is, say 11?
* OR *
Is this just a foreshadowing of things to come?

Maybe I should wait until AFTER she gets home from my Mom's house for Spring Break to post this....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Highway Robbery...

Did you know that some companies charge $100 per tree for trimming? We have 77 trees in our yard! Volume discount, anyone?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Last week Alex had the flu, so Carter missed an entire week of karate (3 sessions). Of course, when he went to karate last night, we discovered that he is testing for a belt on Saturday! How is it that we are JUST NOW finding out about this?!?!?! Now every waking moment between today and Saturday will be spent on drills. Eric better get his cup out....

Alex's Day at School

"Alex, how was school today?"

"Fine, except for all those boys!"

"What happened?"

"A bunch of boys wanted to hug me when I got to school today, because they missed me."

"What did you do?"

(dramatically rolling eyes) "Nothing. I just walked away."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What the Heck Is That?

Alex and Carter have been relegated to the closed in Patio for their art projects. Anyone who has ever been around any child equipped with scissors, glue, glitter and markers can appreciate the wisdom of our 'policy' (mentally patting myself on the back). ANYWAY, I went out there the other day and saw that Alex had hung up a series of drawings on the wall.
Picture in your mind:
page 1 - a small triangle
page 2 - a larger triangle
page 3 - a big triangle with what looked like feet

(here is a aside - one of our friends was disturbed by what seemed to be a walking triangle and asked me to get Alex to clarify her illustration)

So, the next morning, I asked Alex to tell me about her pictures. She looked at me (as usual) as if it were a pity that good did not give me the gift of discernment and informed me that it was a baby triangle that grew bigger and bigger until it became a bell.


This child is so creative it is scary!

This is why we want her in a special program!

Friday, March 7, 2008

HMMM? Do I Really Have Anything To Say?

I have noticed lately that I can talk and talk and not have a darn thing to say. So, what should I post here on my blog? What do I want people to know about me? First, I want everyone to know that I am married to the best husband EVER! (Sorry ladies, your husbands just cannot measure up!) Eric supports me in every way...emotionally. financially and physically. His patience with me endless, and he makes me feel as if I am the most beautiful and important person in his life. Who could ask for more? Oh, but wait - he also gave me two beautiful children - a girl AND a boy. Our life is so complete! If you want to see a little bit of the fabulousness of Eric, check out his acoustic music website