Last night Alex went to spend the night with my sister, Jennie, so Carter, Eric and I had some time alone. Carter decided to take his 'Spend' money and buy a new toy gun. He ended up with a cap rifle, a pistol and a cowboy hat. I forgot how good those caps smell when you shoot them...
Needless to say, a good time was had by Eric and Carter as they played sherriff and bad guy...I wish I had a picture of Eric being the bad guy, wearing Carter's too-small cowboy hat! It was hilarious! Of course, Eric accidently set one of his rolls of caps on fire....
So, this morning is the big day for Carter - Orange Belt Test Day! I think he is ready, so we will see how it goes. He is certainly excited! He woke up before Eric and I did and got himself dressed in his Camo shorts and his Martial Arts Studio shirt! (That NEVER happens around here!)
A gun-totin' ninja....hhhhhmmmmm
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