So, obviously I have failed as a blogger! But I am trying to be better... Things have been ridiculously busy around here! I can't even get in to it...It makes me tiredd just to think about it. But, now my busy season is over, the kids are almost out of school, and I have a little more time on my hands. I'll give this another go...
Today I made bread for the first time in a long while. (Because I have been SOOOOO busy!) Making bread is like therapy for me. I have a lot of things that are weighing on me right now and sometimes I just feel like I want to escape from my crazy, often disappointing life and just be someone else somewhere else...
Eric is having friends over tonight for the first time in a long time (AGAIN due to my crazy schedule!) so I wanted to make them some bread. One of the guys' favorites are these Brazilian rolls I make called sacaduros. They really are delicious. I pulled out all my best ingredients and got to work.
I LOVE working with bread dough. No bread machine for me, friends! There is just something so satisfying about putting together 4 simple ingredients (flour, water, yeast and sugar) and watching it come together into something beautiful and delicious. I love to feel the different stages of the dough under the palms of my hands, and I love the smell of rising dough. I love how the dough resists you at first, but if you are patient and gentle, it will eventually yield to you and be formed the way you want it. I'm sure this is a metaphor for at least five different areas of my life... Patience = very difficult for me... Anyway, after the nine hours of stirring, waiting, kneading, waiting, turning, waiting, forming, waiting I felt a lot better. I mean, if I can put all that time and patience and love into something the guys are just going to demolish tonight, SURELY I can put a comparable amount of effort into my children, my job, my spiritual life, my relationship with my husband....