We had a fun time this weekend! Friday night we had dinner with a couple from our church (and their granddaughters.) Eric and I had a great time getting to know them better, and the kids really hit it off! I wish we made it more of a priority to 'socialize' and get out of our routine. We always have so much fun!
Saturday started off a little rocky. The tree-trimmers came (NOT the $100/tree people, thank goodness) and went to work on our little forest. All of the sudden, here comes Alex, crying hysterically. I mean, I thought she was seriously hurt. She was crying so hard, she could not make words. Once I ascertained that she was NOT hurt, my patience, of course, became - well, limited. Finally, she told us that THEY had cut down her sitting tree. HER FAVORITE TREE IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!! Please understand, this tree was growing sideways and sticking out over our driveway. And I don't mean just the top was leaning over. The tree was growing horizontally - literally. Which is why it was good for sitting. It took quite some time to calm her down. In fact, when we left for town an hour later, she was still sobbing. Those poor people that trimmed the trees felt AWFUL! They said they had never experienced anything like that before. In fact, they felt so bad, they went and found a couple of swings to put in a couple of the other trees. I now have a happy girl. Except, she will undoubtedly hold it against us forever. The traumatized little tree hugger (bless her little heart).
Things went smoothly the rest of the day - I was off to rehearsal and the Premiere of this season's ballet, the kids were off to Grandma's and Eric was off to his gig at the Leaf. What? You didn't know about his gig? Check out his website so you won't miss the next one!
http://www.akaduo.com (That was a completely shameless plug!) Hey - while you're there, check out the dates for the cruise to Cozumel. It is not too late to join us, you know!
Today, Matt joined us in Worship and he and Eric rocked the
casbah. I mean sanctuary. No, really - it was awesome. You should have been there. Really. You have GOT to keep up with the website. Anyway, I took the kids to Brady for a
switcheroo with
Grandmommy and then we all headed home. We had our own little
rockin' party with
Choo Choo Soul and They Might be Giants. If you are a parent and you do not have the
Choo Choo Soul CD or They Might be Giants 'Here Come the 123's' GET THEM! You will love them as much as your kids. Seriously. Sometimes I drop Carter off at school and forget to switch my
iPod to 'grownup' music because I am
jammin' to the kid tunes.
Wow. I just admitted that to the entire world wide web.
I should sign off now.