When the kids were little, (oh...who am I kidding...the other day) when they were impatient, Eric and I would sing them a song from 'The Music Machine.' It goes:
Have patience, have patience. Don't be in such a hurry.
When you get impatient, you only start to worry.
Remember, remember that God is patient, too...
And think of all the times when others had to wait for you!
Naturally, this drives the kids crazy. So we sing it often. Hahaha!
But, as I have laid here in bed after my most recent surgery, I have thought about this little song an awful lot. It is hard to be patient. I have a lot of questions about my upcoming treatment. Tuesday, my surgeon had enough time for the muscle graft (very interesting looking, by the way...kind of like a roast wrapped around my arm,) but he decided to wait on the skin graft fora number of reasons. On the upside, my muscle graft is doing great and has good blood flow. But, I am TRYING to patiently wait and not be anxious about the surgeries still to come. I willl need a skin graft on my arm, two tendon grafts in my hand and some kind of bone reconstruction in my arm. These could happen in as few as one or as many as three more surgeries. We are just waiting for the surgeons to coordinate and make a plan. It is so hard to wait and be at the mercy of someone else's schedule. All I can think about is going home and starting rehab. A week ago, I was wearing clothes, getting in and out of bed pretty much on my own, and walking around. Now I am stuck back in bed unless I can get a couple of people to help me out, with no end in sight. I tell myself to be patient...that every day the pain is a little less and I become a little more mobile. Hey - I can move my fingers! THAT is exciting! I suppose the big challenge for me is the unknown. What lies ahead, and when will it happen? But, I know that with the help of my friends, family, and all the incredible people praying for me, I can make it through one day (or even one hour) at a time until I go home. All I need is just a little patience!
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